Wednesday 16 July 2014

iRQLinux 7 Questions

iRQLinux is the very first Iraqi Operating System (OS) based on GNU / Linux and it is 100% FREE and available for each and every Iraqi Users all over the world. It can be used by anyone. We believe it is the best replacement and alternative for Microsoft Windows.

  1. It is Super Fast
  2. Super Secure
  3. Super Stable
  4. Super Easy to learn and use
  5. It comes with many default applications so you just need to download, install and start the real fun
  6. You do NOT need any Anti-Virus Program while using it
  7. It is Community Based Project and we provide 100% FREE Technical Support

Because Iraq and Iraqi People deserve to be happy and have the best. Because we want to draw a smile on each and every Iraqi face.

We also believe that Iraqis should start using the FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) Systems and Applications instead of Proprietary or Closed-Source Software. It is time for Iraq to cope up with the FOSS Revolution around the world. 

iRQLinux is maintained and built by 100% Iraqi Team. That team called: Mesopotamia Team.

We are everywhere. You don't have to be in Iraq to join us and help to build and maintain the very first Iraqi OS. And you don't have to be in Iraq to use iRQLinux. All what we need is:

  • Internet Connection
  • A Browser
  • A Computer
That is all.

As for how we do it? you need to join us and learn if you're interested.

As for how to join us? here is how: please see this link.

As for how to help us? here is how: please see this link.

This project has started in 2011 and the reason why there is nothing so far is because iRQLinux Project had NO SUPPORT from anyone from 6th of July, 2011 until 10th of March, 2014. After 10th of March, 2014; new Iraqi Team has been found - ITA - and since that time, things started to change. So, the actual start is not really in 2011 but in 2014. In 18th of July, 2014; ITA (which was just a facebook page and I have proposed to make a huge team out of it) Facebook Page's founder has decided to take his Facebook Page and leave the community. Therefore, a new community/foundation has been announced. Now, iRQLinux is sponsored by Iraqi Computer Science Foundation.

As for when we shall release the first version of iRQLinux?
We can't promise as the project now is under heavy development but we do hope that insha'allah before the end of 2014, we hope the first version will be on your computers.


  1. iRQLinux is going to be based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  2. We are planning to use XFCE Desktop Environment (DE) because it is highly customizable, very easy to use, does not require super computer to run it (1GB RAM is more than enough) and it is very beautiful.
  3. iRQLinux is not going to be released every 6-months like Ubuntu but every 12-months insha'allah, there will be a new version.
  4. There should be two editions: 32-bit and 64-bit.
  5. iRQLinux will be shipped with many default applications so you can just download, install and start using it. 
  6. iRQLinux will come with pre-installed Software Center (Ubuntu Software Center and Synaptic Package Manager). You do not need to use any command in Terminal to install anything.
  7. You need minimum P4 CPU with 512MB RAM and it is recommended to have 1GB RAM for better performance.
  8. iRQLinux will be shipped with Mozzile Firefox browser. You can download and install Chromium browser if you wish or any other browser of your liking.
  9. You do not need to be an expert to start using GNU/Linux or iRQLinux. You just need an internet connection + a computer, that is all. If you need any help, we are here.
  10. We have chosen Ubuntu instead of any other GNU/Linux Distribution because it is very easy to use by anyone and world wide supported. There is a vast community behind Ubuntu and that will make life easier for us as a team and for you as a user.

That is all for now :)

Thank you!

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