Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A New Era Towards A New Glory and Achievements

يوجد فديو في اخر الصفحة باللغة العربية ليشرح كل الكلام ادناه 

Hi everyone,

First of all, this post is not about iRQLinux but related to it, that is why I'm using this blog to write such post.

Today, 10th of March, 2014; I'm pleased to announce the beginning of a new era towards a new glory and achievements.

Inspired by this video:

Today, I had a wonderful meeting on Google Hangout with 3 amazing Iraqi people who are part of Iraq Technological Academy and we have talked and discussed so many things and the meeting was very nice, useful and great.

Minutes of the meeting:

  • We have agreed to work together, side by side, within a team.
  • Everyone liked the idea of the above video that I have published on the Social Media Sites and agreed to move to the next step.
  • We have decided to announce the beginning of a new future and era by establishing a New Iraqi Team (as per the video above) and instead of choosing new name, we agreed to call this team: 'ITA Team'.
  • 'ITA Team' to be the unique Iraqi Computer Team and probably the very first team of Iraqi Volunteers. This team will have people with so many different computer specialists (from A-Z) and will start working on different projects.
  • We agreed to start working at the beginning on two different projects.
  • The first project is already exist, that is Iraq Technological Academy Facebook Page
  • The second project is not yet exist but to start the work, hopefully soon and that is iRQLinux.
  • We decided to take it easy and KISS (Keep It Simple and Short). Also, use the available resources instead of finding new ones.
  • We had an initial plan to grow bigger both in quality and quantity.
  • We also agreed that it is better to start building a Website for our team.
  • To start thinking about our team structure.
  • Last but not least, we agreed to use the 'Voting Approach' on each and every decision to be taken.

I really hope I didn't forget anything else? please remind me :)

This is a historical moment. I'm so excited and can't wait to start working within this great team which will grow bigger and bigger sooner or later. Can't also deny that I'm so happy that my idea to establish a team was acceptable and couldn't imagine it would be implemented so quickly.

In order not to be confused, "Mesopotamia team" is the team that will work on iRQLinux Project.

Mesopotamia Team will be part of 'ITA Team'.

That said, 'ITA Team' will start working on different project - as explained above - but for now, it will take care of two as a beginning.

We'd like to have more interested people. People with skills, experience and above all, passion to learn and share the knowledge.

Note that this is the very first step of our plan. Our ambitions have no limits. If everything will go according to what we expect and want, and of course once we grow bigger; ITA will be a foundation or organization and who knows what else? of course, we're non-profit team. We are group of volunteers.

Needless to say, our main aim and target is to draw a big smile on every Iraqi people, share and spread the word of Science, Knowledge and Technology across Iraq from Zakho to Fao.

Join us!

If you have the passion to learn and help, if you have skills and experience, eager to learn, willing to do something for your country, etc ... join us!

Thank you for reading :)


Founder of iRQLinux Project

One of the leaders of ITA Team

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